That was... interesting. Great for a preview. Good work.
That was... interesting. Great for a preview. Good work.
Woo suomi!
Hienoa nähdä suomalaisiakin täälä etusivulla. Animaatiosta en sano mitään mutta jatkakaa samaan malliin.
but i tried my best to make the unicorns look 3d..
...Lol, you fail.
I failed... BUT IT GOT FRONT PAGE!!¡¡
Usually rotoscoped animations are really bad and maker just wanted to make a animation easily. And usually I dont like them, infact i hate them because some people actually work their ass off to create every frame of their animation, all by themselfs.
But this one was Exellent.
The animation was smooth, yet still lot of shading were used.
Character "acting & expressing" animation was so good, that just by looking his face when he said "Im looking for my wife." you can see that he means business.
And the backgrounds... Well you got the point.
So, you better continue the series or I will come there and rip your arm off,
This is epic.
This is one of the best damn animations on site!
This is something bigger than life, or the life it self.
This perfectly shows us how repeative and boring, live can be in this society of ours. The ending was preditatable, cause that is what lot of people would do if put in that situation. And yet too many people have already done that.
<Insert un-needed one-line summary of this review>
Your traced animation worked pretty well on most of places NOTE stairway scene sucks.
But there's nothin to be proud on tracing. Thought i liked your explosion.
But ONE thing on over the all things on this movie pissed me OFF.
That fucking ugly shaky camera.
Okay, its a kinda special efect I'll give you that. But nothings more pitiful than camera shaking un-neededly Back N' forth and right N' Left repedeatly in one camera position/scene. Yet you managed even to do that poorly by not making it go with THE PERSPECTIVE.
PLEASE SHAKING THE CAMERA ALL THE TIME, it looks better that way.
Trust me.
Man, the voice actors from RE 1 rule.
I say the original voices from RE 1 were much funnier than the movie.
"It's a weapon, its very powerful especially against livin things."
Hahaha, that's so stupid, that it kinda reminds me of these voice actoring master pieces from RE 1 too.
"It's not a snake. Its a monster"
"Thank you. You saved my live. -Yeah, you were almost a jill sandwich."
Now that i have seen two flash movies on the site about 300 in 1 day and it's still playing in theathe.
The movies gotta be something, should i go watch it?
Yes go watch. RIGHT NOW.
Yay finland
Yeah, Description includes word "finnish".
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Age 36, Male
Joined on 7/14/06